‘Creativity meets functionality’, the design culture that we embrace here in Landart. Each project is the result of careful analysis, planning and implementation. We seek perfection in every step to ensure the finest standards.
The project commences with a briefing and analysis of the client’s instructions, objectives and requirements. Preliminary conceptual sketches are then prepared according to the project brief. Preliminary conceptual sketches are developed into sketch designs after consultation with planners, engineers and architects among other consultants. Sketch designs will be sent to relevant authorities for the application of planning approval or approval in principle to comply with the relevant by-laws. Preliminary estimates of construction cost and volume of unit cost are prepared. All necessary documents are prepared and submitted to relevant approving authorities for planning approval before proceeding with the next phase of Design Development.
Once the approval of the proposals is given by the client/relevant authority, schematic design drawings are developed to commence on detailed design work. Working drawings are prepared and submitted together with all necessary documents to the relevant approving authorities for approval. All drawings and proposals are reviewed and approved by clients prior to construction. Preliminary estimates of project construction cost are updated and submitted to the client for approval. Project planning and implementation schedule are then updated and submitted to the client for approval.
Detailed drawings are finalised with specifications and other particulars prepared for the bills of quantities by Landart. All necessary documents for tender work are prepared while we assist and support clients in achieving negotiated fees through tender evaluations. Audit of tenders is conducted and the audit report is submitted to the client for approval. Award of Contract. Contract documents are prepared for signature by the client and consultant.
Landart will oversee the project by providing information and instruction to the contractor. Landart will inspect the work programme submitted by the contractor to ensure that the works can be completed within the contract period. Works are inspected at periodic intervals to ensure that works are proceeding as planned and are in accordance with the requirements for the certificate of fitness for occupation from the relevant approving authority.